In this new unit, we will be learning about Mythology. 
What is MYTHOLOGY?  Well, it is a culture's way to make sense of the world.  It's their belief system, and a way to explain natural disasters, or the way the universe and our Earth was created.  Mythology is a collection of stories from a culture that explains how the world was created and works.
THey include stories about gods, goddesses and the mortals that they become involved with.
THe first culture's Mythology that we will examine is 
Below is a short introduction to the most important gods and goddesses from Greek Mythology. 

There are HUNDREDS of Greek myths.  They tell the stories of heroes, gods, and monsters!  They are also the ORIGINS of Western (our culture) literature!
We are going to create LAPBOOKS to collect all of our information about Greek Mythology.  
Here is a list of the things we will include in our lapbooks:
1. A flipbook of the gods and goddesses of Greek mythology
2. A Family tree of the Gods and Goddesses
                                                       3.. A burrito booklet of greek stories.
                                                       4. A list of vocabulary that applies to Greek mythology.
                                                       5. A flipbook of monsters
                                                       6. A list of questions about the stories
WOW! That's a bunch of information for just one FILE FOLDER!  That's right, ONE file folder!  We will get it all in there, like magic!
We will also
1. Summarize each story
2. Create a story map for each one
3.  Find important vocabulary and define the words
4.  Find parts of speech and analyze them
5.  Write our own versions of myths with a partner and our reflections of some of the stories.

By the way, I made a punctuation mistake in the previous paragraph.  Can you find it?

The first story we will read and watch is that of Perseus and Medusa, the Gorgon

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